Murder Mystery / auf Englisch für internationale Teams

  • privateMYSTERY
  • 10 - 30 personen
  • 15515
  • Beschreibung

As a participant in our crime challenge, you have the unique opportunity - perhaps even as a potential murderer - to playfully continue a crime story and create your own individual ending. The murder has not yet been committed. You might even be able to overhear the potential perpetrator in his sinister plans and catch him in the act to prevent the worst from happening!

But of course this requires you to find out in good time what your fellow combatants are up to. Because under the "right" conditions, not every one of you could be able and willing to commit murder, could you?! As a player, you have the power to harness others to your own ends, seek revenge, obtain weapons, and decide who gets trapped or who ends up dead!

You have the freedom to bring your characters to life as you please - be it as a noble lady, a cunning con man with no manners, a brilliant detective or a clumsy drunkard - everything is allowed. By the way: Our crime thriller challenge “Murder on the Orient Express” is a fascinating potpourri of a total of six novels by the British author Agatha Christie. Can you find out which novels are intertwined here?

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Obwohl wir oft mit einer Gruppe unterwegs sind, geben wir immer unser Bestes, um mit Ihnen zu sprechen. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns kontaktieren oder anrufen und WegmitdemChef erwähnen!

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Obwohl wir oft mit einer Gruppe unterwegs sind, geben wir immer unser Bestes, um mit Ihnen zu sprechen. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns kontaktieren oder anrufen und WegmitdemChef erwähnen!